Arizona Genetics Core offers Single Cell Sequencing using the 10x Genomics Chromium X Controller.
Arizona Genetics Core offers single cell RNA sequencing using the 10xGenomics Chromium X Controller. This workflow uses uniquely barcoded “Gel Bead-in-emulsion” (GEMs) to individually capture single cells or nuclei for downstream single cell gene expression, immune profiling, and/or ATAC library preparation.
General Information
Sample Input
Freshly collected cells should be provided as single cell suspensions following the recommended guidelines for sample preparation from 10x Genomics
Single Cell 3’ Gene Expression / Single Cell Immune Profiling
500 -10,000 fresh Cells in single cell suspension (Concentration: ~700 - 1,200 cells/uL, >90% Viability)
Single Cell ATAC + Gene Expression
500 - 10,000 fresh Nuclei in single nuclei suspension (Concentration: ~400 - 8,000 nuclei/uL)
10x Visium - Spatial Gene Expression
AZGC also offers spatial gene expression services using 10x Genomics Visium slides. Together with the Microscopy core, we provide full service, imaging and spatial gene expression workflow and sequencing. For more details about 10x Genomics Visium Spatial Gene Expression see:
Please contact: AZGC ( in order to discuss & plan for Visium Spatial Gene Expression projects.
Please contact AZGC ( at least 1 month prior to the anticipated sample submission, in order to work together to best set up your project and ensure we have the necessary reagents available for your single cell sequencing needs.
Academic (UA): please inquire | Academic (non-UA): please inquire | Industry: please inquire
Unit: Project
Turnaround Time
please contact us to discuss
Additional Information