Human Methylation Array

The Arizona Genetics Core now offers human Methylation analysis using the Illumina Methylation EPIC v2.0 Array

General Information

Sample Input

DNA  from a variety of human sample types can be run for Genome wide methylation Analysis. Input material may  include cells, tissue, and blood. Double stranded genomic DNA is also accepted


Sample Preparation Details

DNA Sample Requirements (if not submitting tissue, cells, etc. for extraction):

  • DNA should contain no particulate matter
  • DNA must be double stranded
  • DNA should not be degraded
  • DNA sample should be suspended in LowTE or water
  • DNA input is ~500ng per sample and minimum concentration is 11ng/uL for the bisulfite conversion reaction. 

*Samples that have been bisulfite converted are accepted- but please contact us to ensure compatibility with your upfront process and the downstream assay



The Infinium MethylationEPIC v2.0 kit is a genome-wide methylation analysis tool targeting ~930K unique methylation sites in the most biologically significant regions of the human methylome. This assay is a robust methylation profiling microarray providing extensive coverage of CpG islands, genes, and enhancers. Ideal for genetic and rare disease research, cancer research, and classification. More information may be found at Illumina's webpage

Complete the Request a Quote form and we will contact you to discuss your project workflow.

Quality Control of Samples: Every DNA sample received for Methylation Analysis will go through a set of quality control checks before it can be processed. Customers may be asked for more DNA if their sample fails the following checkpoint:

  • Pico/RiboGreen Assay to verify the quantity of starting material. DNA input is ~500ng per sample and minimum concentration is 11ng/uL for the bisulfite conversion reaction. 


Data Analysis: Supplementary data analysis will incur additional labor rates. Please contact Arizona Genetics Core to discuss further data analysis needs.


Academic (UA): $varies| Academic (non-UA): $varies| Industry: $varies | Unit: Batch of samples

Note-Array consumables are sold in sets of 8 sample kits. Best price per sample may be obtained by submitting 96 samples at once. Contact our lab for a quote. 

Turnaround Time

Average turnaround time will vary depending upon sample quantity and sample input. Average data turnaround time for most Methylation array projects is approximately 4-6 weeks for 96 samples. The Arizona Genetics Core operates on a first come, first serve entry into sample queue.

Related Services

High Recovery DNA Extraction

Additional Information

University Customers: We are located in Keating Building Rm 106. Samples may be left in the freezer at the north entrance to our lab. Samples should be clearly labeled with your iLab Service ID. 

External Customers: Samples should be shipped to the address below. 

Shipping Address:
Arizona Genetics Core
ATTN:Andres Medina
1657 E. Helen Street
Keating Building, Rm 106
Tucson, AZ 85721